Monday, July 30, 2007

Another Mood-Lifter

Blessings. It sounds corny, but you know what? Bless some people. See what happens. You don't have to do it out loud; just say it silently, in your head. Or maybe you mentally hold a hand up to their forehead, or maybe you just wish them all the happiness in the world. After a while, your mood changes. You become excited to bless people, excited to encounter people.

I am an introverted person, so I tend to retreat from people more than I approach them (not that I'm not friendly, or can't be outgoing, but this is where my tendency lies). I tried this one day as I was walking around the lake around my house. I decided to bless every person I passed until I reached home. At first, it was difficult; I didn't feel I had much to give people. But after the first ten or twenty, it was simple, and after thirty or forty it was fun. I felt a part of the world more than not, which is a new and different feeling for me. I felt positive and helpful and hopeful for myself and others.

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