Monday, August 27, 2007

Check It Out: Steve Pavlina

Okay, so a while back I came across this guy's website because I was curious as to how to make a living from my home computer. So, this guy's blog shows up, and I read this article entitled "10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Job" or something. Then I saw his other posts, and I was really excited to see the depth of human potential that he was passionate about.

So you know, I'm not praising him for any "exchange" or anything--he doesn't do that, especially not with small potatoes like me. I am mentioning this because I think his blogs, articles, and podcasts are extremely beneficial.

As you may know from reading my posts on The Secret, I appreciate the effort and the message, but hate the delivery. I hate the glassy-eyed "life is so great! Just use quantum physics!" kind of approach that some authors sell to make a buck. I'm not saying it's not true, but what I am saying is that some people know what they're talking about, and give a systematized, logical, and usually not that easy plan to follow, and some just water everything down to what you want to hear. I'm not saying that The Secret can't do wonders for you--it may do just that. But there are so many other factors in manifesting our lives that are not covered in depth by the book. So, applaud to Ms. Byrne for the movie and book, but think of it as a trailer for the Law of Attraction. I mean, trailers are absolutely fabulous (usually) even if the movie is shit. And also, The Secret has an amazing trailer, though I prefer What the Bleep Do We Know because it is more scientific.

Now, I'm not a person who needs scientific explanation, but I do need philosophical basis for any theory I'm going to listen to. Steve Pavlina has a whole bunch of amazingly insightful posts and podcasts on self-improvement: being an early riser, finding your passion, the law of attraction, polarity (still struggling with that one), subjective reality, finding your purpose...the list goes on and on.

The thing I like about Steve the most is his openness about his beliefs, no matter how absurd they may seem. And these are, by the way, philosophical, not religious beliefs. He is not interested in "winning you over," and I think therein lies much of his charm. I am kind of sick of being marketed to as far as New Age philosophies are concerned, also because I accept them open-heartedly; they make sense to me. But to be sold an idea makes me distrustful of the seller.

I highly recommend his podcasts. You get a sense of the man behind the writing, and you really understand his enthusiasm for what he does. The last podcast I listened to (twice, mind you, and it's over an hour long) was "The True Nature of Reality" about subjective reality. What is this? Well, have you ever realized that you have no proof--none whatsoever--that anything outside your consciousness exists? What if YOU were the ONLY consciousness? What if you were consciousness, and your entire world, including your physical being, were a manifestation of that consciousness? It sounds pretty out there, and he agrees. But he goes in depth about how he came to this conclusion and how well it's working for him. It doesn't perpetrate an egotistical point of view, but on the contrary, a more loving point of view. After all, isn't objective reality a leap of faith? If you have no definite proof that anything outside you exists, which is the basis for most modern science, then isn't that one assumption nothing but blind faith?

I encourage you to check him out for yourself. And, if you're into psychic development, you can easily link over to his wife's website, Erin Pavlina here.

Check Steven out here. Don't be put off by things you don't believe in; he has a variety of subjects that are incredibly beneficial and practical, without the (quote, un-quote) mumbo-jumbo.


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